06 March, 2023

No El Al pilots want to fly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife to Rome.......

According to Israel's 
Channel 12 and Walla! news agency the nations leading commercial airline hasn't been able to find a pilot to volunteer to fly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife on an official visit to Rome.

There are a number of protests taking place in Israel against the coalition government of Netanyahu following a  raft of judicial reforms which would halt the courts from overturning any amendments made by the government, ending judicial independence and giving more power to the government for future judge selection.  

Channel 12 and Walla have reported that a deadline of 14:00 local time yesterday for volunteers to fly the Prime minister passed without a single pilot wanting to do the job.  Many others have refused to fly a requested Boeing 777 because of the reforms.

According to local media,  it is not just commercial pilots that are refusing to take to the skies over the reforms.  Haaretz and  Arab media operation Almayadeen have reported that the vast majority of the 40-strong 69th Squadron reservists have said they will not attend training taking place this week.  
