Showing posts with label Schiphol Airport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schiphol Airport. Show all posts

16 September, 2024

Amsterdam's Schiphol takes a runway out of use......

From Monday 16 September to Tuesday 24 September, regular maintenance work will be taking place at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on the Oostbaan Runway. 

This runway is usually only used for small, business and private aircraft, or for air ambulance, coast guard or government flights. During the period of maintenance, this traffic will use the Buitenveldertbaan Runway or one of the other runways at the airport. If all goes to plan, Schiphol-Oostbaan will be also be available on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of September.

Annual maintenance is carried out on all the runways so that they remain in good condition and the Schiphol-Oostbaan runway will be undergoing restorative works on the asphalt and markings. The cabling and electrics will be checked, the rainwater drainage system will be flushed out, the grass around the runway will be cut and the lights will be cleaned or repaired. These works are being carried out in collaboration with construction company Heijmans. 
During the maintenance, air traffic will be directed to other runways, such as the Buitenveldertbaan Runway. This means there will be more aircraft flying over the areas beneath these runways’ flight paths during this maintenance period.

From Monday 28 October to Wednesday 6 November, the Polderbaan Runway will not be available for its annual maintenance. Departing traffic will make more use of the Zwanenburgbaan and Buitenveldertbaan runways, landing traffic the Zwanenburgbaan, Buitenveldertbaan and Schiphol-Oostbaan runways.


03 August, 2024

Schiphol, Rotterdam The Hague Airport and Eindhoven Airport go back to international standard for liquids in hand baggage

As of 1 September 2024, it is no longer allowed to take liquids in packaging larger than 100 ml in hand baggage. Despite previously relaxing the rules after the introduction of CT scanners, Schiphol, Rotterdam The Hague Airport and Eindhoven Airport are going back to the international standard of a maximum of 100 ml per package. This change is not related to any revision in threat levels. In taking this measure, the airports are following new guidelines from the European Commission. 

All liquids in packages up to 100 ml are still allowed in hand baggage. Furthermore, the other rules remain unchanged. This means that electronics, such as laptops and phones, can still stay in hand baggage after 1 September 2024. 

The airports are taking several measures to inform travellers about the adjusted rules. This includes extensive information provision and water collectors at security where travellers can empty their drink bottles. Additional staff will also be deployed to inform passengers about the changed rules for liquids. Travellers are advised to pack larger quantities of liquids in their hold baggage – advice that has always been given due to differences in airport policies worldwide. 

We ask our travellers for their understanding and cooperation to ensure a smooth travel experience for everyone.


29 July, 2024

Schiphol and KLM test self-driving shuttle service for flight crew

The second phase of the trial of electric self-driving buses has started at Schiphol Airport. During this phase, the airport, together with KLM Cityhopper and KLM Ground services, is testing a fixed, pre-programmed route to and from the apron. The crew from KLM Cityhopper arriving at Schiphol can use the shuttle service. Earlier this year, Schiphol conducted a successful initial trial of these self-driving buses from supplier Ohmio.

During the first phase of the trial, the focus was on testing technical features and ease of use. The current phase will take place at the apron, an even more complex setting where there is always a lot of simultaneous activity: ranging from aircraft arriving and departing to flight handling operations and airline crew transport.

Sensors and cameras

Several times a day, until the end of July, the bus will fetch KLM Cityhopper crew from Apron A, where KLM Cityhopper aircraft park before departure and on arrival at Schiphol. The self-driving bus then drops off the flight crew at the terminal. The vehicle is equipped with sensors and special cameras and makes use of GPS to manoeuvre. The bus has a 360-degree view because it is equipped with LIDAR technology. This allows the vehicle to detect and move around objects located up to 30 meters away.

Jan Zekveld, Head of Innovation Schiphol said:  "It’s great that we’ve been able to follow up on the trial with the self-driving buses so soon. We’re curious about the insights we’ll gain at this location, particularly because punctuality and safety is crucial on this route. We’re also curious how airline crew members experience self-driving transport. This will help to build trust in the technology and potentially facilitates future integration of other self-driving vehicles."

Maarten Koopmans, Managing Director KLM Cityhopper said:  "I’m very enthusiastic about this trial and think it’s great that our crew can test this innovative, self-driving bus. KLC has always set the trend in implementing the latest technologies and this innovation also fits in perfectly with KLM’s aim to achieve emission-free ground handling by 2030."

Emission-free ground operations 

By 2050, Royal Schiphol Group aims to operate the most sustainable and high-quality airports in the world. Part of the plan involves achieving more sustainable and emission-free ground operations. Royal Schiphol Group expects that by 2050 all vehicles will have been replaced by a fleet of autonomous, zero-emission vehicles and that all associated processes will be automated. Even when ground operations are autonomous, staff will continue to play an important role, taking on a more supervisory role, involving varied tasks.


03 June, 2024

Investigation into fatal incident at Schiphol Airport concluded

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee confirmed last week that the investigation into the death of a Schiphol Airport worker on 29 May has been concluded. They reported that the tragic incident occurred on the apron at Schiphol Airport, where a man fell into the running engine of an aircraft and died. The KLM aircraft was operating flight KL1341 which was bound for Billund. It had just completed the pushback procedure and was about to taxi to the runway.

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee stated "The deceased man has been identified as an employee of a company operating at the airport. The investigation has revealed that he intentionally climbed into the engine, indicating this is a case of suicide. Out of respect for the victim and their loved ones, no further statements will be made."


06 March, 2024

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and the Board of Airline Representatives in the Netherlands (BARIN) agree to the publication of the Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (SCBA) by the Ministry of Infrastructure & Wat

Schiphol Airport
In a letter to the Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management today, KLM and BARIN (which represents 50 airlines in the Netherlands) approved the publication of the Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (SCBA), which they commissioned jointly with the Royal Schiphol Group last year. The study was commissioned to ensure a better understanding of the various policy choices that would come into play if flight numbers are cut at Schiphol.

It was agreed at the time that the report would only be published jointly and with the consent of all the respective parties. It has since emerged that the contents of the report have already been made public. This has understandably led to questions being raised. Transparency is very important to KLM and BARIN, which is why they have now agreed to the publication of the SCBA by the Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management.

KLM and BARIN initially chose not to publish the report, because they have many reservations about the methodology used and the conclusions drawn. As a result, the findings are incomplete and lack balance. The objections boil down to the following:

In the Social Cost-Benefits Analysis, the effects on climate are calculated at a global level, while the negative effects for passengers and the airline industry are calculated for the Netherlands only. Consequently, the positive outcomes predicted in the Environment & Noise Variant are greatly exaggerated and do not present a realistic scenario.
The report does not consider the effects of air traffic moving away from Schiphol to other airports in the world.
The report ignores the risks that the proposed scenario (Environment & Noise Variant) poses to the future of the airline industry in the Netherlands, to employment, the business climate, and to the continued existence of KLM. None of these important factors are sufficiently reflected in the report's calculations and conclusions.

KLM and BARIN will continue to work hard to strike a balance between the airline industry and the environment. KLM has emphasized this in its sector plan “cleaner, quieter and more efficient” and in the “10 Commitments” that KLM and 30 other industry parties and research institutes have signed up to. Together, these highlight the need for greater improvement and a further toughening of measures across the airline industry, which should be implemented globally, or at the very least at a European level.

The Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management is expected to submit the SCBA to the House of Representatives of the Netherlands in the near future. The letter and attachment from KLM and BARIN to the Ministry are enclosed as a download.

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06 October, 2023

Amsterdam's Schiphol improving quality by catching up on maintenance......

Schiphol is prioritising quality at the airport in its investments over the coming years. Between 2024 and 2027, the airport is investing three billion euros into catching up on maintenance and upgrades. Important parts of the airport infrastructure – including Pier C, the baggage basement, climate-control systems, walkways, aircraft stands and taxiways – are due to undergo major maintenance or need renewing. This is needed in order to ensure the quality that Schiphol wants to offer employees, travellers and airlines.

From quantity to quality

Ruud Sondag, CEO said:  “After too much of a focus on costs and growth for many years, we must now play catch-up in order to offer employees, travellers and airlines the necessary quality. Quantity took precedence over quality and that didn’t do the assets at our airport any good. Things need to be done differently and investments need to be made in our location and facilities to align everything with our quality and sustainability ambitions.

We are going to catch up on maintenance to improve, upgrade and make the airport more sustainable. This is necessary and in everybody’s interest at the airport. Good working conditions, reliability, sustainability and safety are our starting points. It’s a big task, with works at the heart of the airport and a continuous operation. Of course, we’ll do everything we can to limit the risk of consequences for travellers and airlines, but some inconvenience cannot be ruled out."

Quality of service 

Assets that are in good condition and that deliver good results are key to the quality Schiphol wants to offer travellers and airlines. That’s why, day and night, a lot of maintenance is carried out to ensure that the airport facilities continue to deliver high operational performance. Because of the backlog in the replacement and renewal of our assets, investments need to be made. Here are some examples of major projects: 

Lounge 1 and 2. We have already started renovating Lounge 1. We are solving bottlenecks by expanding parts of the lounge, adjusting walkways and expanding the range of services. We’ve also started the partial development of Lounge 2. 
Walkways, lifts and passenger bridges. More than 200 walkways and lifts are being renewed over the coming years. We’re also replacing 18 passenger bridges. 
Pier A. At the moment, BAM, the contractor completing the construction of Pier A, is still doing preparatory works. This includes finalising the detailed constructions plans. That is a complex process and one that we are carrying out carefully. We expect to be able to give an update on the planning for the definitive completion phase in Q2 2024. In the meanwhile, other contractors (including Heijmans and VolkerWessels) have helped to make the pier wind- and waterproof, and half of the aircraft stands are ready. The remaining aircraft stands will be ready for the operation in January 2024. 
Pier C. We are preparing for the renovation of Pier C, which dates back to 1967. This includes improvements in technology, systems, sustainability, spatial layout and seating. Soon, we will start the tender for the design of the pier. 
Baggage system and new baggage basement. Large sections of the current baggage system are due to be replaced. Once the new baggage basement has been built, we’ll have enough capacity to replace the existing baggage system. We’re carrying out the necessary works in the meantime. Tendering for construction will begin in early October and building is expected to commence in 2026. Various scenarios for a potential new terminal on top of the new baggage basement are currently being devised. A decision will be made on that at a later date

Quality of work 

Schiphol considers it very important that everyone at Schiphol has a healthy and safe working environment. One of our top priorities is the improvement of working conditions, and that’s something we’re working hard on. Initiatives include: 

Lifting aids. Together with the handling companies, we are executing an action plan to reduce the physical workload of employees as much and as quickly as possible. There is now a lifting aid at half of the 385 work locations in the baggage halls. This number will be increased and every work location is set to have a lifting aid by April 2024. 
Work environment, rest areas and toilets. Over the coming years, 136 rest areas and 224 toilet blocks for employees are going to be renovated.  
Reducing emissions. Schiphol is taking measures to reduce the emissions of diesel and jet engines and to limit the exposure of employees to these emissions. For example, there is new electric equipment for aircraft at the gate. 


Schiphol is making the airport more sustainable. Efforts to accelerate this process include: 

Electrification of ground equipment. Fossil fuel-powered vehicles are being phased out in the coming years. From baggage tractors to hotel shuttles, more and more vehicles are electric.  
Power supply. We are preparing the airport for a large demand for electricity. For example, we are constructing a new high-voltage substation.  
Climate control. Heating and cooling systems in certain parts of the terminal, as well as thermal storage. We are choosing sustainable solutions and getting off the gas grid. 


We are investing in safety to ensure the safest possible airport processes. For example: 

Dual taxiway Quebec. To improve airside safety, the project to make Quebec a dual taxiway will be completed within the coming years. 
Aircraft stands and taxiways. Over the next few years, necessary maintenance of asphalt and concrete on the airport grounds will increase, including renovation of aircraft stands and taxiways. 
Accessibility. We want Schiphol to remain accessible and safe. We are therefore making adjustments to roads and viaducts. 

04 September, 2023

KLM makes statement on capacity cuts at Schiphol

Unnecessary capacity reduction will damage the Netherlands

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has issued the following statement on the decision by the government of The Netherlands to cut the capacity at the nation's biggest airport, Schiphol in Amsterdam.

Unfortunately, today the Dutch cabinet announced the government’s intention to drastically cut the number of flights operating at the Dutch airport Schiphol. In so doing, the minister is opting to focus one-sidedly on capacity reduction as a goal in itself. We find this incomprehensible. This is not about the number of flight movements but about reducing noise. The noise targets can be achieved in a better way that would really benefit local residents, the climate, airlines and the Dutch economy.

Our “cleaner, quieter and more efficient” plan shows that we can achieve the noise targets, while operating the current number of flights. The plan embodies serious commitment from KLM. We can accomplish this if given the space to do so. Our plan will achieve the targets while ensuring the more rapid renewal of our aircraft, supporting cleaner, quieter and more efficient flight operations.

By contrast, the minister is opting for unnecessary reductions rather than actual improvements. We find it inconceivable that the minister plans to tear down what KLM has helped build over almost 104 years.

03 March, 2023

IATA challenges the legality of mandatory flight reductions at Schiphol Airport

Photo by Aron Marinelli on Unsplash

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and airlines are mounting a legal challenge to the Dutch government’s sudden decision to reduce Schiphol airport’s capacity. 

Schiphol Airport is already restricted to 500,000 flights annually. The government’s decree would renege on that agreement, reducing Schiphol connectivity to 460,000 flights from November 2023.

IATA and the global airline community believe that this political decision by the Dutch government contravenes EU Regulation 598/2014 on noise-related operating restrictions at EU airports. It also disregards the Chicago Convention, a binding international agreement to which the Netherlands is a signatory. Annex 16 of the Convention contains provisions for The Balanced Approach to Aircraft Noise Management which states are obligated to follow when taking measures to managing the noise impacts of aviation.

Key requirements of EU Regulation 598/2014 and the Balanced Approach are: 

Consultation with affected parties
The use of flight reductions only as a last resort
Balancing the needs and concerns of local residents, the environment and the local economy for aviation’s economic and social benefits.

 The decision to cut capacity at Schiphol fails to meet these requirements because:

No meaningful consultation was undertaken with industry
Flight reductions are being imposed as a first resort, rather than as a last resort
The need to restore the economic damage to the aviation industry of the Netherlands is not being addressed. Pre-pandemic, aviation supported some 330,000 jobs and $30 billion of economic activity in the Netherlands.
“The Netherlands is handicapping its economy by destroying connectivity. And it is doing it in contravention of EU law and its international obligations. The job-destroying hostile approach to aviation that the Dutch government has chosen is a totally disproportionate response to managing noise. The government has even refused to engage in meaningful consultations and made flight reductions the goal, rather than working with industry to meet noise and emissions reduction goals while restoring employment and revitalizing the post-pandemic economy. The dangerous precedent that this illegal approach creates left no choice but to challenge them in court,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General.

The airline industry continually deploys quieter aircraft, reducing noise levels by 50% in the last decade. The investment in new fleet also plays a significant role in meeting the aviation industry’s commitment to reduce its CO2 emissions to net zero by 2050, as set out in a Resolution at the IATA AGM in 2021. The industry’s robust plan for reducing CO2 includes the uptake of Sustainable Aviation Fuels, of which airlines operating in and to the Netherlands have been among the leading users.

01 March, 2023

Traffic restrictions at Amsterdam Schipol Airport and plans new APU guidelines

Authorities in The Netherlands are again limiting the number of aircraft movements at the country's biggest and busiest airport, Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport to 460,000 take-offs and landings this year. 

This is a reduction of over 7%  compared to the pre-pandemic levels in 2019 and they say the aim is to reduce aircraft noise and air pollution. The airport operator is calling for new airport traffic regulations in the long term, to enable further growth by using quieter and more efficient aircraft.

APU use reduction for stationary aircraft

Schiphol has submitted an action plan, incorporating input from partners at the airport, to the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) aimed at reducing the use of auxiliary power units (APU) by aircraft parked on the apron. Schiphol views reducing APU use as a priority in light of the concrete improvement this makes to healthy working conditions for apron workers. It also contributes to reducing CO2 emissions from aviation as a whole.

An auxiliary power unit (APU), which is normally mounted in the tail of an aircraft, provides autonomous starting power for the main engines, supplies electricity in the aircraft and provides pneumatic pressure, which is needed for various functions including air conditioning on board. The APU runs on kerosene and causes harmful emissions as well as noise nuisance for apron workers when operating.

07 October, 2022

KLM wants talks with government on alternatives for capacity reduction at Schiphol

Photo Schiphol Airport
The business world, logistics sector and, above all, travellers choose for KLM, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and the Netherlands partly on account of the many destinations served via the hub. This sprawling network is now under pressure due to the Dutch government’s plans to reduce operational capacity at Schiphol. The cabinet has announced plans to pursue further cutbacks in aircraft movements at Schiphol to reduce noise and CO2 emissions.

KLM shares the ministerial goal of reducing noise and CO2 emissions. However, KLM argues that reduced airport capacity will benefit neither travellers, nor the broader network, nor the Netherlands in general. Moreover, it restricts the earning capacity of airlines wanting to invest in sustainability. Fleet renewal offers a better alternative than capacity reduction. It will ensure a greater reduction in noise and emissions and will allow travellers to keep flying. This will enable us to strike a better balance in the interests of Schiphol, the environment, the surrounding community and travellers. We would like to discuss this alternative with the Dutch government.

KLM CEO Marjan Rintel said: "I share the cabinet’s aim of striking a balance between the interests of a good airport, the surrounding community and the environment. To this I want to add the interests of (air) travellers. The cabinet’s current solution is to strike a better balance by reducing operational capacity at Schiphol. Calculations show that fleet renewal is a better alternative for reducing noise and CO2 emissions. This implies that it is better solution for all. This is the issue I would like to address with the government. Purely on the basis of facts and figures."

17 September, 2022

KLM’s response to Schiphol’s request to limit the number of passengers boarding from Sept 17-19

Photo KLM
The Dutch national carrier KLM has issued the following statement on the continued disruption and capacity cuts at its main hub - Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport. 

KLM is very disenchanted that Schiphol only indicated on Friday, 16 September that it would not be able to handle the number of passengers boarding in Amsterdam on Saturday 17, Sunday 18 and Monday, 19 September. The airport has requested KLM to reduce these passenger numbers. This request comes over and above the cancellations already made for September at the airport’s earlier request.

In order to continue to guarantee the safety of passengers and crew at the airport and in operations, KLM will therefore be forced to cancel 34 KLC and KLM flights to comply with Schiphol’s request for today (Saturday). These flights were all set to depart between 09:30 and 17:00 hours with a significant number of passengers boarding in Amsterdam. In order to still carry our passengers back from their destinations, these flights will be departing empty. This has been a difficult choice, but it is also the only way to comply with the airport’s request to limit the number of passengers boarding, reduce queues at Security, enable returning passengers to travel as expected and ease pressure on operations. We are still assessing which flights are eligible for cancellation on Sunday and Monday.

Photo KLM

16 September, 2022

Passenger number cap introduced at Amsterdam's Schipol as delays mount.

Amsterdam's Schipol Airport has introduced more flight restrictions as delays and disruption continue to mount at the international hub. Royal Schiphol Group NV has instigated an 18% reduction in passenger numbers per day, at least until October as it struggles to cope with demand. On average the airport will reduce passenger numbers by just over nine thousand each day. The maximum number will be 54,500 per day in September and 57,000 per day in October.

Like many airports in recent months, Schipol has found it difficult to recruit enough staff for various functions, in particular, security offices which is the cause of the latest cap on passenger numbers.  The news comes just a day after it was confirmed that chief executive Dick Benschop had resigned over the airport's poor performance over the last week or so. 

"This decision first and foremost is bad news for passengers and for airlines," says COO Hanne Buis of Royal Schiphol Group. "I am fully aware of that. Nevertheless, the decision taken is necessary with the safety of passengers and employees in mind. Everyone who works at Schiphol doing their utmost to ensure that each and every passenger journey is as pleasant as possible. I appreciate that. I am incredibly proud of that.” 

The airport's main customer, KLM issued a statement on the issue. 'Schiphol has again announced that it will be introducing further restrictions on the number of departing passengers until October 31. It’s disappointing to ascertain that Schiphol will again be adopting these measures at such short notice. The measures will have far-reaching consequences for our passengers, colleagues and the national and international reputation of Schiphol and therefore KLM.

KLM is currently assessing what the consequences of the new restrictions will be. Expectations are that there will be more clarity about this within a number of days. KLM will make every effort to ensure that passengers who have already booked tickets will in fact be able to travel. Passengers who would rather travel at a later date as a consequence of this situation will be able to rebook their flights at no extra cost.

We expect the situation at the airport to be resolved swiftly and effectively so that passengers and airlines know what they’re going to have to contend with – also in the longer term.'

Photo by Aron Marinelli on Unsplash

The maximum passenger capacity will be 54,500 per day in September and 57,000 per day in October.

02 November, 2020

Amsterdam's Schiphol takes one runway out of use for maintenance work.

Schiphol will be carrying out routine maintenance work on the Aalsmeerbaan Runway between the morning of Monday 2nd November and the evening of Saturday 7th November. The runway will not be available for air traffic throughout the duration of these works.


Every year, the Aalsmeerbaan Runway undergoes routine maintenance that involves replacing the top layer of asphalt and restoring markings where needed, cleaning and inspecting the rainwater drains, checking the cabling and electrics, and cutting the grass on surrounding fields. These works, done in conjunction with Heijmans, are carried out in various shifts. In order to ensure that the runway is not unavailable for longer than is absolutely necessary, the works go on 24 hours per day.

Adapted runway use

29 August, 2020

Now passengers can disinfect personal belongings using UV-C light at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport

In addition to the existing coronavirus measures, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has three new disinfection locations, at which passengers may also disinfect their personal belongings such as their phone, passport and keys using UV-C light. Passengers will find the three so-called ‘Sanitising Service’ points at Schiphol Plaza, in Lounge 2 as well as between Arrival Halls 3 and 4. This measure allows visitors as well as arriving, departing and transferring passengers to use the service points.

The Sanitising Service consists of four sections: in each section, passengers can disinfect their hands, clean items with moist wipes and use hand cream. There is also a place where passengers can disinfect their personal belongings using UV-C light and an area specially equipped for families. The family area makes it easy for parents and children to use the service, as it has been specially adapted in height and made appealing to children.

21 June, 2020

Circular dismantling of Cargo Building 18 at Amsterdam's Schiphol has been completed

Schiphol Real Estate and demolition firm Lek Sloopwerken have successfully completed the circular dismantling of Cargo Building 18, adjacent to the Kaagbaan Runway. The steel structure, weighing over 2,000 tonnes, was dismantled in six months using a method that will allow the new owner to rebuild it close to Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. This innovative approach to dismantling a building is a first for Schiphol Real Estate.
Dismantling the building
The entire structure has now been dismantled and moved to its new location. This includes 2,000 tonnes of steel construction, approximately 82,000 manually removed screws, 15 flights of concrete stairs, 11,000 m² of roof insulation and 11,000 m² of roof covering. An additional 16,000 tonnes of concrete, removed during the dismantling of Cargo Building 18 is used for other purposes at Schiphol. For example, a significant part will be used in the airport’s taxiways instead.

18 May, 2020

Passengers rate Schiphol Best Airport in Western Europe

At the Skytrax World Airport Awards 2020, passengers voted Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Best Airport in Western Europe. In addition, Schiphol was voted the World’s 9th Best Airport, up five places compared with last year. It also took first place in category best website and digital services of airports in Europe and in third place in this category world wide. The airport was voted third as well in the Best Airports: 70+ million passengers category. The awards were voted for by passengers with more than 100 nationalities.

“This award is a great mark of recognition for Schiphol and the airlines, given the competition of some 550 airports. We are tremendously happy with and proud of the work that our colleagues and partners carry out at the airport every day in order to give passengers a carefree and inspirational experience. Even during these challenging times for the aviation sector, we will continue to ensure that Schiphol continues to provide passengers with an experience and quality that meets their expectations, Birgit Otto, Chief Operations Officer (COO) bij Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

The Skytrax World Airport Awards are considered a global benchmark for measuring the quality of airports worldwide. Passengers were asked to answer questions relating to the quality of the airport facilities, processes and the friendliness of airport staff. Last year, Schiphol took steps and made improvements in areas such as hygiene, waiting comfort, the arrival process and parking. Schiphol always closely monitors innovations. The airport aims to continue developing and improving in areas that enrich the customer experience in the years to come.

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13 April, 2020

How does KLM park the majority of its aircraft?

The coronavirus COVID-19 crisis is having a relentless impact worldwide, forcing KLM to keep the majority of its fleet on the ground. As a result, Schiphol is packed. Not with passengers, unfortunately, but with the many aircraft parked on the ramp and even on a runway. Choreographing this sad and unique sight is quite a parking-puzzle.

Small operational fleet

Owing to the corona crisis, KLM has started its summer schedule with a much smaller network. The vast majority of KLM’s aircraft have therefore been grounded and parked for the coming period. In terms of our bigger aircraft, we’ve parked all our A330s and Boeing 777-200s, as well as almost all our remaining Boeing 747s at Schiphol. We’ll also grounded many of our smaller aircraft, such as our Embraer 175s and 190s, as well as many of our Boeing 737s.

The destinations that KLM continues to serve under this restricted timetable are being operated using Boeing 777-300s, with repatriation flights sometimes being operated using the Boeing 777-200, 787-9 and 787-10 fleet, the remaining Embraer 190s and Boeing 737s. As previously announced, this crisis has prompted the immediate phasing out of our beloved Jumbo Jets, the Boeing 747, with the exception of our freighters. This is earlier than planned, but essential in view of the current crisis. The “Queens of the Air” will be flown to their final destination at a later date. Naturally, we will then give them an appropriate send-off.

03 April, 2020

Large part of KLM fleet parked at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol - photos

As a result of the corona crisis, KLM keeps a large number of its aircraft on the ground from the start of the summer season. In addition to a few destinations in the network, repatriation flights are currently being carried out. The aircraft that do not fly are parked at Schiphol.

In order to keep the aircraft airworthy during this period, KLM is carrying out an active parking program. In this way, KLM ensures that the aircraft are well protected from the weather during this period. In addition, the programme enables KLM to quickly deploy the aircraft when the weather permits. Periodic inspections are carried out throughout the entire parking period. KLM works well together with Schiphol in order to use the available time and space as efficiently as possible. In total, more than 200 aircraft of various airlines will eventually be parked at Schiphol, more than 100 of which will be KLM and KLC.

14 March, 2020

Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport' issues a statement regarding coronavirus COVID-19

The coronavirus has created a unique situation at Schiphol and in the Netherlands at large. The virus is hitting everyone hard. Schiphol’s passenger numbers went down by 20% in the first week of March. That number increases to 30% if all flights to and from the United States cease. We are developing various scenarios so we can prepare for a number of different situations at the airport.

“Our responsibility is to the Netherlands to keep Schiphol running and for it to remain connected to the rest of the world. Schiphol is a vital part of our country’s infrastructure. We are keeping a close eye on developments and respond very quickly as and when they happen. Schiphol, the government, airlines and partners are working together on additional scenarios going forward, such as operating Schiphol at a smaller scale. We are doing this in a responsible manner with careful attention given to travellers and employees”, said Dick Benschop, CEO.

The United States will introduce a 30-day entry ban during the night of Friday, March 13 to Saturday, March 14 on 04.59 am for anyone who has been in a Schengen (page in Dutch only) country in the past 14 days, except for American citizens. This will have an impact on Schiphol. There are weekly more than 200 flight from Schiphol to the United States. We are now mapping out, together with the airlines, what this means exactly for flights to the U.S. We kindly advice travellers to contact their airline if they are due to travel.

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15 February, 2020

Air traffic and transport figures for January 2020 released by Amsterdam's Schiphol

Air traffic and transport figures for January 2020

In the first month of the new year, the number of passengers rose by 1.4% compared to January 2019 and the number of flights to and from Schiphol rose by 1.0%, partly due to a number of cancellations in the same month last year. On average, the number of seats per flight was just under one seat more than last year. These developments resulted in a total of 5.1 million passengers travelling to, from or via Schiphol in January 2020. The number of cargo flights dropped to 1,011, a decline of 10.2% compared to January last year. As a result, the tonnage of cargo transported decreased by 7.8% compared to the previous year.
