Showing posts with label world Atlantic Airways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world Atlantic Airways. Show all posts

28 April, 2019

Washington airport fights against US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency - ICE. deportation flights

Photo Alex Montalvo and Wadii Boughdir for UWCHR
Officials at Boeing Field are trying hard to stop their airport being the departure point for controversial deportation flights for the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency - ICE.  

These flights, operated by private contractors - including Swift Air and World Atlantic have long been flying from Boeing Field, or to be more accurate, King County International Airport as the airfield is officially known. They started back in 2010 and since then some 466 flights have deported around as many as 34,400 people. 

According to new research, some of these flights have not treated the passengers at all well, indeed there are many reported cases of inhumane, humiliating and abusive treatment. Allegedly one such flight saw 90 Somali being handcuffed down, on an aircraft for nearly 48 hours, including being stuck on the tarmac in Senegal for some time, where it is reported some were assaulted, beaten and others not allowed to use the toilets.
