Showing posts with label A4E. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A4E. Show all posts

04 July, 2024

Europe’s Airspace is creaking at the seams. Urgent action required to improve flight punctuality

On-time performance of flights in Europe dramatically deteriorated during the last week of June and continues to struggle despite the best efforts of airlines. Reduced ATC capacity and inadequate coordination between ANSPs, Eurocontrol’s Network Manager and airlines has made the effects of a recent spate of bad weather worse than necessary.

A4E members alone suffered just under 900,000 minutes worth of delay from 26-30 June affecting over 36,000 flights.* This represents an average of over 5,000 delayed flights a day or over 200 delayed flights an hour, affecting approximately six million passengers. ATC related delays accounted for nearly one quarter of these delays.

ATC services in Europe continue to underperform as confirmed by the recently released Performance Review Report (PRR) from Eurocontrol. This showed that over a quarter of flights did not arrive within 15 minutes of their scheduled arrival time in 2023. En-route Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) delays in 2023 were also the second highest over the past 20 years and beat the figure for 2019 which had a higher level of air traffic.

24 April, 2024

Travel plans of thousands of passengers still in question following last minute withdrawal of French ATC strike threat

Europe’s largest airlines and hundreds of thousands of passengers have been left in limbo despite the French SNCTA union withdrawing its notice of strike action at the eleventh hour. Airlines still do not have full clarity this afternoon of what French ATC capacity will be tomorrow, meaning there will still be significant disruption for flight operations and passengers. 

In advance of the strike, airlines had been forced to cancel more than 2,000 flights, the majority of which would have landed or departed from France. Another 1,000 flights would have had to divert away from French airspace causing further delays and disruption.  

The strike was set to be one of the largest ATC strikes in years and comes after 2023 saw 16,000 flight cancellations, 85,000 delayed flights and 20 million passengers being impacted due to ATC strikes.

This illustrates why A4E’s call for a passenger protection proposal at EU level remains critically important for providing certainty and predictability for airlines across Europe. The proposal would see:

•            a legally binding requirement for arbitration with unions ahead of strike action;

•            a 21-day notice period ahead of strikes;

•            72-hour confirmation of employee participation in strikes; and protection for overflights over countries affected by ATC strikes, without impacting flights flying to and from the country affected 

01 December, 2023

Sunclass Airlines joins Airlines for Europe

Airlines for Europe (A4E), representing the united voice of Europe’s leading airlines in Brussels, has welcomed another airline to its umbrella  - the 17th full member is Nordic charter operator Sunclass Airlines.

You might not have noticed Sunclass Airlines, but it was founded more than 60 years ago and is part of the Nordic Leisure Travel Group which operates services from Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland to the Mediterranean, West Africa, Asia, and Caribbean. With a strong commitment to service excellence and a track record of providing seamless travel experiences, Sunclass Airlines brings a unique perspective to A4E from an important segment of the air travel industry.

‘’We are delighted to welcome Sunclass Airlines to the A4E family. Their expertise in the tourism and charter aviation markets will complement our activities around sustainable and affordable aviation. As the EU Fit for 55 package of legislation is fully implemented over the next few years, A4E will be relying on the insights from our member airlines and the regions they service to make this a smooth transition for all,” said Ourania Georgoutsakou, Managing Director of A4E.

“The addition of Sunclass Airlines to the A4E membership illustrates the diversity of Europe’s aviation market, the many reasons why people fly and the many ways in which local communities benefit from aviation," she continued.

 Valdemar Warburg, CEO of Sunclass Airlines says, “A4E has a mission to empower a safe, sustainable and competitive market for European aviation. These are the same priorities and objectives that we have at Sunclass Airlines, and something that we as a company must constantly focus on in order to meet our customers' expectations and our own very ambitious targets”, says 

30 November, 2023

Member States should seize opportunity of new passenger rights proposals to break deadlock on reform of Air Passenger Rights Regulation

Europe’s leading airlines are urging EU member states to use new proposals on passenger rights to unlock the impasse on a wider reform that has gone nowhere for a decade. This will deliver the necessary clarity for airlines and passengers alike and ensure a smoother and more efficient system for passenger rights.

The European Air Passengers Rights Regulation EC261/2004 establishes common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding, flight cancellations, or long delays of flights. A revised proposal, which the European Commission adopted in March 2013, aims to clarify the definition of 'extraordinary circumstances' in case of flight cancellations or delays, introduce the new right on rerouting and expends the passenger’s right to information about flight disruption. Although Council has held debates on the Commission’s proposal since October 2013 and made some progress on the file, it has not agreed on a general approach for negotiations with the Parliament.

The proposal presented this week is part of a package of legislation that would offer some limited improvements to protecting passengers in Europe. On the one hand, there are positive moves to providing more clarity to passengers and airlines, particularly on multimodal transport and on the obligations on what information intermediaries must provide. But there remains a significant lack of clarity over key aspects of the core air passenger rights legislation, including what constitutes an extraordinary circumstance and under which conditions passengers are entitled to compensation. This is despite the Commission recommending such changes ten years ago.

A4E urges member states to heed the words of Commissioner Vălean and discuss the original reform proposal together with today’s new proposals to deliver a clear and unified regulation that offers full clarity for passengers and transport operators.

Rania Georgoutsakou, Managing Director of Airlines for Europe, said:  “Today’s proposal is a tentative step in bringing coherence to the tangled web of passenger rights in Europe but it does not address the elephant in the room which is the urgent need for the EU to revise the core regulation on passenger rights known as EU261 whose lack of clarity has led to more European Court of Justice decisions than any other regulation.”

“There is now an opportunity for member states to revive the decade old proposal to reform the EU’s air passenger rights Regulation and in particular lift the fog of uncertainty over what is an extraordinary circumstance. Member states should seize the opportunity to deliver a clear and simple set of rules. This would put an end to the endless growth of claim farms that have been clogging courts and damaging the relationship between passengers and airlines”, she continued.

21 November, 2023

Europe’s airlines seek global vision for sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) as European rules take effect

Europe’s leading airlines are calling for a global response to accelerate the transition to greener fuels as the Third Conference on Aviation Alternative Fuels (CAAF) kicks off in Dubai. Airlines for Europe (A4E) looks forward to ICAO establishing a global vision of 4-5% CO2 emissions reduction from the use of SAF by 2030.

CAAF/3 kicks off just as the EU’s SAF regulation, known as ReFuelEU, comes into force. The global industry should follow in its footsteps to set achievable targets that promote the use of SAF. Europe’s airlines are confident that with the right supporting measures, the requirements of the EU’s regulation will be met, but global regulations will enhance the credibility of the aviation sector’s sustainability commitments and signal to investors that sustainable aviation is an industry ripe with opportunities.

A4E is also calling for the development of a global framework that will help to stimulate SAF demand and supply. The CAAF/3 should deliver a toolkit that can be implemented by states and which covers accounting methodologies for SAF, capacity building and improving access to finance for SAF.

11 October, 2023

Average delay per flight in the EU soars by over 400% as Europe’s airspace capacity struggles to keep up with demand

The gap between airline demand and the capacity of Europe’s airspace is in danger of never closing as EU member states again failed to provide adequate airspace capacity in 2022.  

The latest annual report of the Single European Sky’s Performance Review Body (PRB) shows that delays “significantly exceeded the target” and there was a 400% increase in the average delay per flight. 

The report documents a continued failure of member states to meet agreed performance plans for European airspace. The situation is unlikely to get better any time soon as the PRB repeats a recommendation from last year that member states need to step up and take action now to avoid future capacity gaps. Combined with strong traffic numbers and robust passenger demand, there is a perfect storm that will continue to impact airline operations and needlessly inconvenience millions of passengers. This could easily be avoided if member states used all means available to them to improve systems and plug the increasing gap between demand and capacity in Europe’s airspace. 

the Performance Review Body has published its Annual Monitoring Report for 2022. This report evaluates the performance of the Single European Sky Member States (MS), and their respective air navigation service providers (ANSPs) against targets in the key performance areas of safety, environment, capacity, and cost-efficiency.

Commenting on the report, Managing Director of A4E, Ourania Georgoutsakou, said that:  "Airlines are cruising when it comes to their recovery while Europe’s airspace remains stuck on the ground. We can’t afford another repeat of the 400% increase in the average delay per flight. Europe’s passengers deserve better.” 

She continued,  “This isn’t just a report; it's a call to action. We need to bolster Europe’s airspace capacity, drive reforms in its operations and pave the way for airlines to operate more efficiently. Not only will this deliver a better passenger experience—it will also further enable airlines to reduce their environmental footprint.” 

European aviation commits to deliver the world’s most efficient, environmentally friendly sky

Associations representing the European aviation sector today adopted a Joint Industry Declaration announcing their intention to make Europe the most efficient and environmentally friendly sky to fly in the world.

In line with the EU’s Green Deal objective of reaching climate neutrality by 2050, and to optimise capacity in the skies, associations representing airlines, airports, air navigation service providers, aviation manufacturers and business aviation have committed to joint action. They aim to transform the sector and work together to maximise capacity in the air, whilst further reducing the environmental footprint of flying.

A key technological pathway to this transformation in the coming years is the optimisation of the European air traffic management (ATM) system. With European passenger traffic set to recover to pre-pandemic levels in 2024, digital innovation in ATM can improve efficiency and provide the capacity to meet this projected demand, while at the same time realising considerable CO2 savings. This transformation will be achieved by deploying new digital tools developed under the EU’s Single European Sky ATM Research Programme (SESAR).

As a first immediate step, the associations will work together to update the EU ATM Master Plan, which serves as the common roadmap for SESAR.

With this Declaration, the associations confirm their commitment to work together to make their industry truly sustainable and more efficient, for the benefit of all Europeans.

16 September, 2023

Calling off French ATC strike is only a temporary reprieve unless concrete action is taken warns boss of European airline association

Thousands of rugby fans were breathing a little easier after French air traffic control (ATC) workers called off their strike during the week. This would have been the 38th strike day by French ATC workers which is more than the total combined number of strike days in the rest of Europe.  

While it is a welcome development that French ATC has headed to the negotiation room over the picket line, this is only a temporary reprieve unless concrete measures are put in place to manage the impact of ATC strikes in Europe. 

A4E respects the right to strike but given the level of disruption experienced this year, it has presented a series of actions that would ensure European passengers can continue to fly freely including the protection of overflights, while also ensuring this is not at the expense of departures and arrivals in the country where the strike originates. This temporary reprieve highlights shows how measures such as a 21-day advance notification of strike action and mandatory arbitration can have a positive impact for passengers. 

14 September, 2023

European aviation industry looks forward to global progress following adoption of European legislation on Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

The five leading European aviation associations representing Europe’s airlines, airports, civil aeronautics industry and air navigation service providers, which are close partners through the DESTINATION 2050 alliance – A4E, ACI EUROPE, ASD, CANSO Europe, and ERA – welcomed the adoption of the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation and look forward to further SAF deployment globally. 

The adoption marks an important and timely step necessary to realising the ambitious decarbonisation targets set out in the DESTINATION 2050 roadmap. Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) are a crucial component of this roadmap and today’s adoption of the ReFuelEU legislation lays the foundation for ambitious blending shares of SAF in aviation fuel. 

While EU investors and industrial partners have now received a clear signal to unleash their investments, the EU shall ensure that the required uptake of SAF consumption will boost the European SAF industry. The international race to become a SAF leader has started and the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation should therefore be complemented with further incentives to scale up SAF production and uptake in Europe through their inclusion into the EU Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) as part of the strategic net-zero technologies, mirroring the US approach in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). 

11 September, 2023

Laurent Donceel appointed Deputy Managing Director at Airlines for Europe (A4E)

Airlines for Europe (A4E) has appointed Laurent Donceel as Deputy Managing Director. Since joining A4E in 2016, Laurent has been a cornerstone of its team and has played an important role in its development into Europe’s leading airline trade association. 

As Deputy Managing Director, Laurent will offer strategic guidance to A4E’s Executive Committee and partner with Managing Director Ourania Georgoutsakou to further build on A4E’s seven-year legacy of success and enhance its presence and voice. He will continue to lead on sustainability topics as A4E’s members continue to accelerate their efforts to achieve Net Zero emissions as part of the Destination 2050 initiative. 

Commenting on the appointment, Ourania Georgoutsakou said,  “I’m delighted to have been able to make this appointment. Laurent's invaluable experience and his deep industry knowledge will be instrumental in helping A4E continue to achieve success. I’m pleased that he will maintain his leadership on sustainability issues and will be instrumental in our work with policymakers as the Fit for 55 sustainability package is implemented. He will also continue to collaborate with our members as they ramp up their work to implement the Destination 2050 roadmap to Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050. 

On his new role, Laurent Donceel said:  “I’ve had the pleasure of seeing firsthand how A4E has grown into Europe’s leading airline trade association and I’m excited about this new chapter in its development. I look forward to taking on more responsibility for A4E’s strategic direction and, together with Managing Director Ourania and the wider A4E team, I’m confident that we can continue to be a strong and respected advocate for our members in Brussels and across Europe.”    

A4E is a group of 16 airlines which represent over 70% of European air traffic and carried over 700 million passengers in 2019. Leading global aircraft manufacturers are also members of A4E. Airlines with cargo and mail activities transport more than 5 million tons of goods to more than 360 destinations annually.

17 May, 2023

Airlines demand swift EU action to avert ATC strike fallout this summer

Swift action needed to avoid strikes
Europe’s leading airlines are calling on the European Commission to step up to stop escalating industrial action from derailing summer travel for millions of passengers.

Already this year, a wave of strikes has impacted air travel in Europe resulting in over 3,000 flight cancellations and 23,000 flight delays disrupting the plans of over 10 million passengers. As the summer season ramps up, the potential for millions more passengers to have their travel plans ruined by strikes is high.

A4E is calling on the Commission to support Member States to ensure European passengers can continue to fly freely this summer. This can be achieved through: 

Mandatory arbitration before ATC unions can threaten strike action
A 21-day advance notification of strike action
Providing a 72h advance individual notification of participation in industrial action
Protection of overflights, while ensuring this is not at the expense of departures and arrivals in the country where the strike originates.
Right of redress with ANSPs for the impact of disruption.

26 April, 2023

Agreement on ReFuel EU is a step forward in letting SAF flow in Europe

Agreement on ReFuel EU is a step forward in letting SAF flow in Europe

EU policymakers should now turn their attention to ensuring Europe develops a strong SAF industry that can provide enough sustainable fuel for airlines to fulfil the mandates agreed during the ReFuel EU negotiations concluded last night.  

Widespread adoption of SAF is a critical component of European aviation’s roadmap for achieving net zero and EU policymakers need to throw their efforts behind building up Europe’s SAF industry in the same way they are supporting other sustainable technologies.
With the first mandate of 2% SAF uptake due by 2025, the agreement provides immediate certainty for airlines and the whole SAF industry. 

The single EU-wide mandate for SAF will prevent fragmentation of the EU’s single market for aviation through differing national targets in different member states. The EU mandate should now supplant national mandates and harmonise all relevant legislation. 

Strict reporting rules for fuel suppliers with transparency requirements with regards to the sustainability of the fuel provided will be critical to guarantee the legitimacy of the mandate in the eyes of the passengers. 

24 April, 2023

EU policymakers should ensure ReFuel EU can finally take to the skies and help set the course for net zero aviation in Europe

EU policymakers should ensure ReFuel EU can finally take to the skies and help set the course for net zero aviation in Europe

Airlines for Europe (A4E) is urging EU policymakers to persevere and come out of the latest ReFuel EU trilogue with an agreement. This will provide certainty for European aviation and allow the EU to focus on building the capacity for a thriving sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) industry in Europe. Ahead of the meeting of EU policymakers on 25 April, A4E is reiterating its calls for a European SAF mandate that ensures:

A single mandate in a single aviation market
Ambitious but achievable quotas
High standards for truly sustainable SAF
Price support mechanisms closing the gap between SAFs and fossil fuels

The EU is on the cusp of a new era of a sustainable and green energy. It needs to think about SAF the same way it thinks about wind turbines, solar panels, hydrogen or CO2 storage in order to support aviation’s energy transition, strengthen fuel security and promote sustainable jobs. 

Speaking ahead of the trilogue, acting Managing Director of A4E Laurent Donceel said:

“Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) will play a critical role in decarbonising European aviation. With the right policy in place, 30 SAF plants could be built across Europe over the next 7 years, saving 7 million tonnes of CO2 annually by 2030. But we need the final pieces of the puzzle to fit in place. We cannot have a situation where ReFuel EU is stuck in a holding pattern because of disagreements between policymakers.”

“Achieving this agreement should not come at the cost of the single market for aviation. It needs to ensure whatever targets that are set are ambitious, but which don’t price passengers out of the air. Achieving an agreement on ReFuel EU will be a milestone that should encourage EU policymakers to help build and sustain a competitive SAF industry in Europe,” added Donceel.

19 April, 2023

European Parliament vote approving SAF allowances in EU ETS

European Parliament vote approving SAF allowances in EU ETS
is important step for aviation decarbonisation

The 20 million ‘SAF allowances’ passed in today’s ETS vote at the European Parliament are an important part in accelerating aviation’s decarbonisation. They will help stimulate and incentivise the rapid deployment of sustainable aviation fuels in Europe. Without them, the phase out of free ETS allowances by 2026, well before truly effective decarbonisation solutions will be available at scale, could negatively impact air transport. This is because the cost of compliance for the ETS will likely increase fivefold by 2025 to over EUR 5-6 billion annually which would impact ticket prices, route availability and ultimately connectivity. 

Therefore, now is the time for the EU to do everything it can to ramp up sustainable fuel production. Countries around the world, such as the USA through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), are willing to throw public funds behind sustainable fuels. This is placing the future competitiveness of European aviation and the European SAF industry at stake. 

Now more than ever, all revenues generated from ETS aviation allowances should:

 Contribute to lowering the price gap between conventional fuels and SAF

Fund R&D and innovation projects for low- and zero-carbon fuels and propulsion technologies;

Fund the scaling up and deployment of SAF

29 March, 2023

A4E CEOs inject new impetus into airspace reform and call for new ways to finance air traffic management in Europe

have said that multiple crises can no longer be used as excuses to delay airspace reform in Europe and now is the time to deliver for airlines, passengers and the environment. Half a decade after creating the Seamless European Sky initiative with players from across aviation, A4E is rebooting cross-industry collaboration to collectively push for reform of Europe’s skies. The CEOs said that the time for excuses is over as traffic levels get closer to their pre-COVID 2019 peak. This increased traffic means that the need for a seamless and digitalised airspace is more pressing than ever.

Airspace reform would unlock a whole host of benefits for passengers, airlines and the environment including:

Enabling airlines to fly the most efficient routes and unlocking significant CO2 savings of up to 10%;
Reducing delays and ruined travel plans for passengers;
Improving airspace capacity which can allow for greater connectivity for consumers; 


In recent years there has been massive innovation and reform in various aspects of flying in Europe, from new aircraft technology to widespread digitalisation. However, the pace of reform with Europe’s airspace has failed to match this, most visibly with the failure to implement the Single European Sky (SES) legislation. The CEOs repeated their call for the SES2+ legislation to be implemented immediately as part of wider reform of Europe’s airspace.

At its annual summit, A4E also unveiled a new study from Transport and Mobility Leuven, a Katholieke Universiteit Leuven owned research body, which found that Europe needs a new way of financing Air Traffic Management (ATM) to ensure airlines are not the only ones left picking up the tab during future crisis situations. Airlines have been left on the hook for EUR 5.6 billion as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. In some regions, unit costs increased between 2019 and 2021 by 130% without any changes in performance, as noted by the EU’s Performance Review Body (PRB).

23 March, 2023

Ourania Georgoutsakou appointed Managing Director of Airlines for Europe

Airlines for Europe (A4E), Europe’s largest airline trade association, is delighted to announce that Ourania Georgoutsakou has been appointed as its new Managing Director. Ms. Georgoutsakou has over two decades of policy and public affairs experience in trade and representative associations and joins from Lighting Europe where she has been Secretary General since 2017. She will take up her new role in June and will succeed Thomas Reynaert who left the association in February having served as A4E’s founding Managing Director since 2016. 

A4E Chair and Lufthansa Group CEO Carsten Spohr said, “We are delighted to welcome Ourania to A4E as our new Managing Director. Her proven expertise and leadership will be critical to A4E. She brings a compelling track record of lobbying in Brussels that will be invaluable to our association as we continue to advocate for airline competitiveness for the benefit of travellers across Europe, while driving our decarbonisation.”

Ourania Georgoutsakou added, “I am extremely pleased to be taking up this role at such a critical time for the European airline sector. I’m excited to be representing an industry which connects people across Europe and the world, representing airlines which carry over 600 million customers annually. I look forward to working with A4E’s members to not only help the industry thrive now but also pave the way towards more sustainable skies for passengers and for Europe in the coming years.”

27 February, 2023

Pilots from across Europe call on EU policymakers to reform Europe’s airspace now

Europe’s leading airlines are calling on EU transport ministers to make the benefits of airspace reform a reality as they meet in Stockholm today. Pilots representing 9 A4E member airlines have come together in a new video to urge ministers to seize the opportunity and move the Single European Sky (SES2+) legislation out of the holding pattern it has been stuck in for many years. 

Implementing the updated Single European Sky (SES2+), as proposed by the European Commission, would be a major step in creating a seamless European airspace. This would enable pilots to fly the most efficient routes possible which will reduce the amount of fuel used in-flight, reduce delays and deliver a reduction of around 7% in CO2 emissions.

The EU has been discussing airspace reform for decades without any real results to show for it. As airlines face into a busy summer and the prospect of ever more congested European airspace, the need for reform is clearer than ever. 

Commenting on today’s video, Laurent Donceel, acting Managing Director of Airlines for Europe (A4E) said: “Member states have the opportunity to achieve a seamless and digitalised airspace in Europe by supporting the EU Commission’s proposal to reform the Single European Sky (SES2+) legislation. Our pilots have a message for ministers today: We’ve been waiting too long for this important reform and it’s time to take action on airspace now to deliver for passengers, for Europe and for the environment.” 

20 January, 2023

Aviation industry welcomes pause on roll out of new border system for EU

Aviation industry welcomes pause on the rollout of new border system for the EU

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto
ACI EUROPE, A4E, ERA and IATA welcome the decision to postpone the implementation of the EU’s new smart border system for non-EU nationals (i.e. Entry Exit System, EES).
The EES system will be a game changer for how the EU’s borders are managed. There are, however, a number of issues which must be resolved to ensure a smooth rollout and operation of the new system so that air passengers do not face disruptions. 


These issues include:


Wider adoption and effective implementation of automation at national border crossing points by national authorities,
Funding by member states to ensure a sufficient number of trained staff and resources are deployed to manage the EU’s external border, particularly at airports,
Deployment of sufficient resources to support the implementation of new procedures by airports and airlines, and
The need for a public communications campaign to alert third-country nationals to the new requirements.

The aviation industry is fully behind the rollout of EES and is committed to working with the EU and national authorities for a successful implementation. But it is important the EU and national authorities address industry concerns and provide efficient coordination for an effective implementation. This includes EU-LISA (the agency responsible for managing the system) strengthening its communications with the industry, and with international partners such as the US, to ensure the IT systems are connected and compatible. 

Postponing the implementation until after the busy 2023 summer period will give airlines, airports, EU and national authorities the opportunity to resolve these issues and ensure the system is fully tested. We, therefore, urge all those involved to make the best use of the extra time now available to address the outstanding issues and ensure enough resources are deployed for its introduction. A new start date for EES should be set to ensure continued smooth aviation operations and in particular trouble-free processing of passengers at airports. This will help deliver the time savings the European Commission identified as the biggest benefit of EES. 

Building traveller confidence with an effective rollout of EES is critical for the aviation sector as it continues its recovery.

The Entry/Exit System (EES) is an automated IT system for registering non-EU nationals travelling for a short stay, each time they cross the external borders of European countries using the system. The EES will apply to all non-EU travelers travelling to a European country within the Schengen zone for short stays of up to 90 days within any 180-day period.

EU-LISA is an EU agency founded in 2011 responsible for the management of large-scale IT systems associated with the EU’s area of freedom, security and justice. It is central to the implementation of the asylum, border management and migration policies of the EU. At its recent Management Board meeting, it confirmed the decision to postpone EES implementation.

18 January, 2023

A4E Welcomes New Members Collins Aerospace and Pratt & Whitney

A4E Welcomes New Members

Collins Aerospace and Pratt & Whitney


A4E, Europe’s largest airline trade association, continues to grow with the addition of leading aerospace technology companies, Collins Aerospace and Pratt & Whitney, as premium associate members. Both part of Raytheon Technologies, Collins Aerospace and Pratt & Whitney are respectively amongst the world’s leading producers of aerospace systems and aircraft engines. The two companies employ over 20,000 high-skilled personnel across fourteen European countries, providing engineering design, R&D, and manufacturing capabilities as well as life cycle support services for most of Europe’s airlines.


“Joining A4E will further allow Collins Aerospace to collaborate with our customers and partners in Europe to achieve our ambition of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 for aviation”, said LeAnn Ridgeway, Chief Sustainability Officer, Collins Aerospace. “Collins Aerospace is in the unique position to jointly develop systems and technology solutions that will minimise the environmental footprint over the life cycle of the aircraft by reducing weight, optimising fuel, energy and operational efficiency as well as reducing noise.”


“We look forward to working with A4E and its members to advocate for the economic benefits and sustainable growth of the aviation sector in Europe,” said Graham Webb, Chief Sustainability Officer, Pratt & Whitney. “We are focused on continually developing our aircraft propulsion technologies and supporting greater use of sustainable aviation fuels, including for our Pratt & Whitney GTF™ engine, which since 2016 has enabled airlines in Europe to save more than a billion litres of fuel and two million metric tons of CO2 emissions.”


Welcoming the new members, Thomas Reynaert, Managing Director of A4E said, “I’m delighted to welcome two of the world’s leading aerospace technology companies as members of A4E. This further strengthens the voice for aviation in Brussels and EU member states. Combined with our sixteen airline members, four existing manufacturing members and four associate members, it further enhances the knowledge and expertise A4E brings to the table as we continue our advocacy for a strong and sustainable European aviation industry.”


08 December, 2022

Airlines 4 Europe statement on EU agreement reforming the Emissions Trading System (ETS) for aviation

A4E statement on EU agreement reforming the Emissions Trading System (ETS) for aviation

During their meeting in Brussels which began on 6th of December 2022, European negotiators agreed on a reform of the carbon market for aviation (“ETS in Aviation”). This reform is part of the broader Fit for 55 package of climate proposals currently making their way through the EU’s legislative process.


The decarbonisation of aviation is a global challenge. The deal reached today on the scope of the ETS shows that work towards an effective global carbon price for aviation has only started. This will build on the outcome of the 41st Triennial International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Assembly in October 2022.


We must not forget that airlines have been paying for their emissions through the EU ETS since 2012. The cost of compliance for the ETS is likely to have increased five times in size by 2025 to over EUR 5 billion annually.


A4E is extremely disappointed about the decision to phase out free ETS allowances currently granted to airlines by 2026. This is well before truly effective decarbonisation solutions will be available at the scale needed for them to be effective.


A4E welcomes the decision to better support decarbonisation in civil aviation. The creation of a novel system of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) allowances to help stimulate the rapid deployment of SAF and the earmarking of allowances under the Innovation Fund of the ETS are welcome. They will help lower the cost of the energy transition for airlines and give Europe a unique opportunity to become the leader in green aviation.


The future competitiveness of European aviation and the European SAF industry is clearly at stake. In a globally competitive environment where countries, such as the US through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), are willing to use public funds to incentivise the use and production of clean energies, it is essential that Europe finds the optimum level of incentives in order to maintain a level playing field. It is therefore crucial that the review of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in 2027 considers the impact of policies such as the EU ETS on air transport services.
