Showing posts with label Autonomous Aircraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autonomous Aircraft. Show all posts

27 August, 2024

Joby demonstrates autonomous flight in U.S. Air Force ‘Agile Flag’ exercise

Joby Aviation has demonstrated autonomous logistics aircraft operations in an evolving mission environment, in partnership with the U.S. Air Force during the ‘Agile Flag 24-3’ exercise.

During the exercise, Joby’s team, which includes the autonomy division of Xwing acquired by Joby in June of this year, operated a fully autonomous Cessna 208B Grand Caravan for more than 3,900 miles of flight between military bases and public airports across California and Nevada.

The aircraft autonomously transported essential components to restore the operational readiness of various Air Force assets, flying between 9 locations in a dynamic operational environment. The aircraft, while monitored by a safety pilot, completed a fully autonomous taxi, take-off, and landing at each location during the exercise without requiring on-the-ground infrastructure, including numerous sites that had not been previously visited by the aircraft.

Joby also showcased its ability to remotely supervise the aircraft using a laptop and a satellite communications terminal, both of which are transportable in a single backpack.

Reliable Robotics performs automated cargo deliveries for U.S. Air Force

Reliable Robotics, a leader in autonomous aircraft systems, recently completed a series of automated missions across airfields in California and Nevada for the Department of the Air Force. In conjunction with Air Combat Command, Reliable demonstrated aircraft automation capabilities as part of the Agile Flag 24-3 exercise transporting cargo between military bases and airports, some hundreds of miles apart, on demand over the course of a week. The exercise was designed to be representative of the Indo-Pacific region, demanding agility, readiness and multi-domain operations.

“The Air Force has a unique opportunity to redefine efficiency through autonomous operations, which can enable persistent manoeuvre in contested environments and simultaneous cargo delivery instead of our current sequential system. Autonomy in small platforms reduces risk and opens up the ability to land in more places including damaged runways or unimproved surfaces,” said Colonel Max Bremer, Mobility COE Senior Advisor, Chief of Special Programs Division, Air Mobility Command. “Military exercises like Agile Flag provide a venue for us to more closely evaluate how technologies like autonomous systems operate in real missions.”

Automated flights of a Cessna 208B Caravan included autotaxi, autotakeoff, en-route navigation and autolanding. All flights were managed by Reliable’s remote pilot while an onboard pilot monitored. Reliable deployed a mobile control station onsite at Mojave Air and Space Port, which served as a base of operations for the military exercise. The rapid deployment of Reliable’s mobile control station enabled onsite demonstrations of the remote piloting side of the operation for Air Force and NASA personnel.
