Showing posts with label ICAO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICAO. Show all posts

28 September, 2022

WTTC calls on ICAO Member States to rally behind aviation and agree ground-breaking carbon reduction targets

A Long Term Aspirational Goal (LTAG) for sustainable aviation will be discussed at the ICAO 41st Assembly 

Action will be key for aviation's journey towards net zero emissions

Attending the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) Assembly in Montreal this week, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is calling on all governments to urgently agree an emissions reduction target for global aviation.

ICAO's 41st Assembly will see 193 countries gather for talks on the future of aviation. WTTC is urging all Member States to support the 'Carbon Offsetting & Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)' and agree on the proposed emissions reduction target called the 'Long Term Aspirational Goal' (LTAG).

Whilst the Travel & Tourism sector recognizes the challenges involved in the transition to sustainable aviation, WTTC believes CORSIA and the LTAG, aligned with Net Zero by 2050 and the Paris Climate Agreement, will be a critical next step for protecting the planet and maintaining global connectivity.

Julia Simpson, WTTC President & CEO, said: "Governments have a historic opportunity to sign a worldwide agreement on a net zero future for aviation.

02 February, 2022

ICAO Council discusses Report on Fact Finding into Ryanair flight FR4978 and its forced diversion and bomb threat.

In the first meeting of its 225th Session on 31st January, ICAO Council member States considered the ICAO Secretariat’s Report on the Fact-Finding Investigation into the events surrounding the diversion of Ryanair flight FR4978 on 23 May 2021.

Also taking part in the discussions were official representatives of non-Council States considered to have a special interest in the proceedings namely, the Republic of Belarus, Lithuania, Poland and Ireland.  

A point of convergence from States’ discussions included the Council’s appreciation to the ICAO fact-finding investigation team for the exhaustive analysis undertaken and the high quality of the report it produced.

The Council expressed concern at the gaps in information provided by Belarus and the inconsistencies contained in the evidence available at the time of the investigation in relation to crucial aspects of the factual reconstruction of the events, and highlighted that the bomb threat against FR4978 was deliberately false and had endangered the safety of an aircraft in flight.

The Council further recalled that communicating false information which endangers the safety of an aircraft is an offence under the Montreal Convention, and in this connection, strongly condemned such practices.

In light of some newly emerging information relating to the FR4978 events and timeline, the Council requested the ICAO investigation team to continue its work with a view to establishing the missing facts, including in connection with the related ongoing criminal and other investigations, and to report to it any further findings.

Additionally, the Council called upon all Member States and other relevant stakeholders, to continue to collaborate with the ICAO investigation, and requested the President of the Council to eventually forward the final Fact Finding Investigation Report to the United Nations Secretary-General.

A specialized agency of the United Nations, ICAO was created by governments in 1944 to support their diplomacy on international air transport matters. Since that time, countries have adopted over 12,000 standards and practices through ICAO which help to align their national regulations relevant to aviation safety, security, efficiency, capacity and environmental protection, enabling a truly global network to be realized. ICAO forums also provide opportunities for advice and advocacy to be shared with government decision-makers by industry groups, civil society NGOs, and other officially-recognized air transport stakeholders.

Air101: New ICAO Health Master List boosts efficiency and security of health document authentication for travellers and border authorities

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01 February, 2022

New ICAO Health Master List boosts efficiency and security of health document authentication for travelers and border authorities

​Benoit Poletti, Chief Executive Officer, INCERT Public Agency, of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (left), and ICAO Deputy Director of Aviation Security and Facilitation, Sylvain Lefoyer, on the occasion of the signing of the INCERT-ICAO Health Master List agreement.

ICAO has published its first Health Master List, a new data resource for States and aviation stakeholders to aid in the more efficient and secure authentication of traveller health certificates, including vaccination and test result certificates. 

In support of WHO recommendations, ICAO has embarked on an innovative Public Key Infrastructure collaboration with the Luxembourg State Agency, INCERT. The aim of the partnership is to address the urgent need for improved trust and processing of health documentation internationally during the COVID-19 pandemic, and beyond.

“The presentation of documentation related to COVID-19 health interventions has become commonplace since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and many States originally issued health proofs appropriate for domestic and/or regional use cases,” commented ICAO Secretary General Juan Carlos Salazar. “The result was a variety of different national or regional formats being deployed, and proliferating travel restrictions due to low levels of confidence among State border, immigration and health authorities in the validity of travellers’ health documents.”

The majority of health proofs issued globally, including the ICAO Visible Digital Seal for non-constrained environments (VDS-NC), include some form of digitally-signed barcode, with verification of the barcode requiring knowledge of the associated public key. 

13 March, 2021

ICAO Recommendations Support Industry Restart

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) welcomed the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Council’s approval of the latest recommendations from its Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART). Key outputs include:

Recommendations for

Temporary liberalization of cargo flights
Considering priority vaccination of aircrew
Increased cooperation among governments to implement CART recommendations and guidance

Updated or new guidance for Testing certificates

COVID-19 risk management including vaccination and its interdependencies
Dangerous goods guidelines for the carriage of cargo on passenger aircraft used in freighter operations 

A new mechanism for reporting extended regulatory alleviations 

“This is a major piece of work by states and aviation stakeholders under the leadership of ICAO and with the full support of the industry. Of course, these recommendations, guidelines and tools are only meaningful if they are adopted universally. It is crucial that states implement this guidance, particularly as they plan for the restart of international aviation when borders are able to open. As we have said many times, it was easy to shut down aviation with individual decisions. Restarting and maintaining operations to deliver economically and socially vital connectivity can only happen if all parties work together. The CART recommendations are the building blocks for that cooperation,” said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO.

07 December, 2020

Aviation organisations want governments to follow global guidelines on crew testing


The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) jointly called on governments to follow the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Council Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) guidelines to exempt crews from COVID-19 testing that is applied to air travelers.

The CART guidelines specifically recommend that crew members should not be subject to screening or restrictions applicable to other travelers. Furthermore, according to CART. health screening methods for crew members should be as “non-invasive as possible.”

Despite this guidance, an increasing number of States are applying the same public health measures for crew that are applied to the general traveling public. Such measures include providing proof of a negative COVID test prior to departure and in some cases a second negative COVID test is required upon arrival. Furthermore, several civil aviation regulators only allow crew members with a negative COVID-19 PCR test certificate to layover in their respective countries. 

02 January, 2019

4.3 billion people travelled on scheduled flights last year........

According to some preliminary figures released by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) an amazing 4.3 billion passengers travelled on scheduled air services during 2018. This is a rise of 6.1% over 2017 figures. Not included in the figure are the millions of people that flew on charter flights to and from the holiday hotspots of the world, nor does it include the wealthy few that flew on private jets. 

The number of departures rose to approximately 38 million globally and world passenger traffic, expressed in terms of total scheduled revenue passenger-kilometres (RPKs), grew solidly at 6.7% and reached approximately 8.2 trillion RPKs performed. This growth is a slowdown from the 7.9% achieved in 2017. 
