Passenger numbers were 8% higher in September this year for Icelandair when compared to the same month last year. The carrier reports 416,072 people flew with the airline last month taking the total number of passengers thus far in the year to 3,375,487 up 19% for the same period 2022.
In September, passengers travelling to Iceland were 174,676, from Iceland, were 49, 018 and the number of passengers using Iceland as a change point was 168,908 down 2% from last year, due to the extra competition and capacity changes.
Bogi Nils Bogason, Icelandair's CEO said: “We are pleased to see a healthy increase in passenger numbers between years and continued improvement in unit revenue as we close the strong third quarter, the largest quarter in our history in terms of number of flights. I would like to thank our employees for their great work and dedication during the busy summer period.
We are also proud to have received two awards for our great team’s efforts in offering world-class passenger service. In September, Icelandair was rated a 2024 Five Star Major Airline at the APEX Global EXPO, and this week we received the Danish Travel Awards as Best European Airline. We are grateful to our passengers for their loyalty of continuing to choose Icelandair.”
The airline scored highly with its most recent on-time performance, up 9.8% from last year to 81% of flights arriving within
15 minutes of scheduled arrival time. OTP is
calculated by diving arrivals that arrive within 15
minutes of scheduled arrival time with the total
number of arrivals.