03 February, 2023

East Midlands Airport welcomes 30,000 visitors to its Aerozone

East Midlands Airport’s education facility, The Aerozone, has been used by 30,000 students since it opened in 2010. 

To mark the occasion, 28 Year 5 and 6 students from Dovecote Primary School in Clifton, Nottingham, attended a celebration event on Thursday 2 February at 10am. 

The Aerozone is East Midlands Airport’s bespoke on-site education facility which runs a programme of events through the year designed to inspire and enthuse young people about the airport, aviation and future careers within the sector. It provides an opportunity to find out first-hand what goes on behind the scenes. 

The facility was established as part of the airport’s wider commitment to supporting the local community. With its versatile classroom, interactive learning resources and proximity to the airport terminal, young people who attend the courses are immersed in a full airport experience. A recent addition includes a portable air traffic control simulator which gives users a virtual experience of what’s involved in being an air traffic controller. 

For the youngest children, there is also the ‘East Minilands’, a fun and interactive role-play area where children can dress up in uniform and have a go at being security officers or check-in staff. The space includes a check-in desk, security search area, café, shop and mock aeroplane cabin, complete with ten aircraft seats. 

In addition to providing term-time educational sessions, the Aerozone opens its doors to families during school holidays. Activities range from craft making to treasure hunts as well as having access to East Minilands and an opportunity to meet firefighters or airport police. 

Joanna Wood, East Midlands Airport’s Education Manager, said: “Airports are fascinating and diverse businesses and everyone who visits gets a real buzz of excitement. Our role is to introduce as many young people as possible to this sector in the hope that some may consider a career in aviation later in life. We’re delighted to have welcomed 30,000 young people through our Aerozone in the years since it was first opened. It is an important part of our wider engagement with the local community and we know that it’s positively received.” 

While those visiting the Aerozone are too young to enter the word of work today, hundreds of people will attend the airport’s jobs fair on Saturday 4 February. Fifteen business, including the airport itself, will be promoting vacancies, in roles ranging from retail and hospitality, through to aviation security and ground handling. People wishing to attend the jobs fair are encouraged to book in advance at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/east-midlands-airport-jobs-fair-tickets-482432648037 
