24 March, 2021

Ryanair to operate 80% of its normal schedule this summer, but face mask will still be a requirement until 2022....

The Dublin based low-fare-high-fee airline Ryanair has confirmed that it will operate around 2,300 flights each day at the height of the 2021 summer season - around 80% of its usual schedule. 

“Families will be travelling to and from the UK, to and from Europe, going to the beaches of Europe on summer holidays that are richly deserved after the very fraught last 12 months,” the firm's bullish CEO Mr O’Leary said.

He continued, “I’m pleased to report that we’ve had a recent surge in bookings, as the UK began to open up restrictions also, two weeks ago when Germany eased their restrictions on travel … we’ve seen a significant surge in bookings,” 

Whilst a third wave is starting to sweep over many countries in Europe, O’Leary doesn't fear another lockdown, no matter the danger this may represent, “If you’re fully vaccinated, frankly, I would be very surprised if there was any legal basis for the UK Government preventing people travelling on holidays to other European countries, which will have caught up with the UK vaccine rollout programme by the end of May or the end of June.”

He also believes that face masks will continue to be a feature of modern air travel, but only until next year, “I would imagine at this point in time, we’re planning to continue to require mandatory face mask-wearing onboard our aircraft through the remainder of this summer schedule and next winter’s schedule," indicating they could possibly still be used until the spring of next year, unless there are new guidelines from European authorities.

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