05 May, 2020

Spirit Airlines to require face coverings from 11th May

Photo Airbus
The US ultra-low-cost-carrier Spirit Airlines has decided it will follow on from the likes of Delta, American, Frontier and Air Canada and require all passengers to wear a face covering.

From 11th May, all passengers and staff will be required to wear appropriate masks or face coverings over the nose and mouth and follows recent advice for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The new measures will join many other enhancements to help keep Spirit’s bright aircraft safe and clean.

Spirit Airlines safety actions:

Utilize state-of-the-art HEPA filters and air filtration systems that capture 99.97% of airborne particles and filters the air for contaminants every 3 minutes.
Enhanced cleaning procedures use hospital-grade disinfectants that focus on high-touch areas such as handles, seatbelt buckles, tray tables, and armrests, and added additional cleaning between flights.
Fogging disinfectant services to supplement cleaning procedures. The fogging applies a safe, high-grade EPA-registered airborne disinfectant that’s effective against coronaviruses into the air and sticks to surfaces as soon as it’s applied.
Leaving middle seats open when possible.
Increased stock in our onboard supply kits and continue to send additional cleaning chemical supplies to the airports we serve.
Removing seat-back menus to reduce common touchpoints.
Changed our snack and beverage service to be by request only.
At our check-in counters, we’re implementing new technology-driven solutions like our automated self-bag drop and using our existing self bag-tagging for contactless check-in and faster trips through the airport.
Placed “distance dots” in queues to encourage space between Guests.
Started installing clear shields at our counters.
Spirit Airlines Inc 

Photo Spirit

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