
01 February, 2023

London Stansted Trust relaunches with £150,000 to giveaway

London Stansted’s community arm is celebrating the new year by relaunching with a new name and committee.

Stansted Airport Community Fund will replace Stansted Airport Community Trust and provide £150,000 a year in grants to local charities and community groups within a ten-mile radius of the airport.

Projects that support community life, leisure activities, the environment and conservation will qualify to receive donations of up to £5,000, with a flagship award of up to £50,000 being presented annually.

The airport is relaunching the fund to strengthen its ties with the community as part of its successful planning application to serve up to 43 million passengers a year.

It will donate £1.5 million to the fund over the next decade, which will be topped up by fines levied on airlines that breach strict noise restrictions.

Daniel Burford, London Stansted’s Community Engagement Manager, said:

“Stansted Airport is an integral part of the community, and we take our responsibility to be a good neighbour, provide educational opportunities and drive sustainability forward very seriously.

“The new fund will allow our new committee members to work together with local people in deciding where the £150,000 annual donation from the airport goes to.

“We have made the application process as simple as possible but we’re happy to offer help to any groups who may be interested in applying.

“We know that community organisations continue to face huge challenges and grant funding like this is more important than ever.

“We hope that the fund will help bring the community together and make a positive difference for local residents."

An independent committee representing local authorities and airport stakeholders, including the airport consultative committee, has been appointed as part of the revamp, and they will meet every three months to consider grant applications.

A streamlined online application process will also enable organisations to check their eligibility and apply for funding.

Cllr Garry LeCount, the new Chair of the Stansted Airport Community Fund, said:

"The new committee are representatives of the airport’s stakeholders and have an exceptional knowledge of the local area.

“I’m delighted to say that the fund is now up and running and organisations can now apply for up to £5,000 worth of funding towards a particular project.

“We all have a common aim and desire to ensure the local community benefits from the Stansted Airport Community Fund.”

Applications for grants are now open, and details on how to do so, as well as full criteria, can be found here.

The former Stansted Airport Community Trust, which the airport funded since 2005 as part of a Section 106 planning obligation, awarded over £1 million in grants to hundreds of local organisations.

The trust made a final donation of £11,605 to St Clare Hospice in Great Dunmow, in April 2022.