04 April, 2022

Is the U.S. heading for a jet fuel shortage?

The U.S. East Coast may see a jet fuel shortage in the coming days and weeks as supplies fall ever lower and the prices climb higher and higher. Various buyers are anticipating a growing shortage following even tighter sanctions set to be imposed on Russian exports.

Prices across the United States have surged in recent days, particularly up the East Coast, which primarily is supplied via the Texas - New Jersey Colonial Pipeline for refined jet fuel products, as well as imports from coming in from Europe.  However, with many nations within Europe struggling to meet their own demand, exports to the U.S. are down by roughly 60%.

Last week according to Reuters, jet fuel was being traded at $6.60 a gallon, double the usual seasonal average price and many analysts are predicting it will climb to higher prices in the coming weeks.  

But could there really be a shortage of Jet Fuel up the East Coast, where many of the busiest airports, like New York's JFK, Newark's Liberty and the Washington airports are?  Yes and no... yes there could be a shortage of affordable jet fuel and no, jet fuel will not run out - at least not in the next few weeks. I expect the price rises will manifest themselves in extra charges or increases in ticket prices.

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