24 January, 2022

4 Ways to Make Aviation More Sustainable

Nothing beats aviation for convenience. It's fast, it's efficient, and it gets you where you need to go. But aviation can also be harmful to the environment, writes Bash Sarmiento.

Tracking emissions in the transportation sector can often be a dispiriting affair, despite the massive changes airlines have made in recent decades. Though aeroplanes today generate less carbon dioxide compared to their counterparts in the 90s, the subsequent increase in demand for air travel has negated much of that progress.

More people are flying than ever before, aside from understandable dips from early 2020 to 2021 due to the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The demand for air travel has risen steadily over the last 50 years, with more room to grow as the middle class expands in the developing world.

Despite the unparalleled convenience of air travel, it's hard to overlook the adverse impact it has had on our environment. The industry still produces huge amounts of carbon dioxide each year, inching us closer and closer to climate disaster.

Aviation doesn't have to be this way, though. There are many ways we can make aviation more sustainable and less harmful to the environment. In this article, we'll explore some of those ways.

Alternative Fuels

The clearest starting point for making aviation more sustainable is to reduce the emissions from burning jet fuel. Airlines are looking to do this with sustainable alternative fuels (SAFs). The objective of using SAFs is to lower the greenhouse gases released during the fuel's lifetime, from production to combustion, when compared with current petroleum-based jet fuels.

How much less of a reduction depends on the process used to make the fuel. As there is no current consensus on the best SAF production process, the reductions could be anywhere from negligible to significant, depending on which SAF gains the most traction within the aviation industry.

The good news is that several different SAFs are being developed, so we as consumers can have our say soon on which SAFs will ultimately win out.

Minimizing Single-Use Plastics

Eliminating single-use plastics is another way airlines can make their operations more sustainable. Single-use plastics are those that are only used once and then disposed of, such as straws, cups, and food packaging.

As you can imagine, the aviation industry uses a lot of single-use plastics each year. In fact, it's one of the leading industries when it comes to using these materials. A lot of this has to do with the fact that single-use plastics are cheap and easy to produce. But they come with a huge environmental cost.

Moving away from single-use plastics also lightens the load for airlines, increasing fuel efficiency. It's a win-win for everyone.

Some airlines are already leading the way when it comes to reducing their reliance on single-use plastics. The more airlines make these types of commitments, the more pressure there will be for other airlines to follow suit.

Locally-Sourced Foods

While single-use plastics are a no-go, airline passengers still need to eat. Providing locally-sourced and seasonal foods reduces the carbon footprint of food transportation.

First, it cuts down on the amount of energy needed to transport food from one side of the globe to the other. Second, it supports local farmers and economies. And third, it reduces waste from spoiled or uneaten food.

Longer flights can especially benefit from having a locally-sourced food option. Not only does it reduce the environmental impact of food transportation, but it also gives passengers a taste of the local cuisine.

Consumer Education

We as consumers can also play a part in making aviation more sustainable. More than anything, we need to be aware of the environmental impact our choices have and make informed decisions.

Airlines can help by providing passengers with information on how to make more sustainable choices. This could include things like how to pack lightly, where to find responsible tourism operators, and what options are available for travelling eco-friendly.

Learning to lower our demand for air travel is one way to make a difference. If we can't or don't want to fly, there are other sustainable transportation options available, such as buses and trains. If your travel plans require you to fly, opting for an economy seat instead of business or first class can reduce your individual carbon footprint.

Another way we can help is by packing lightly. A lighter plane means less fuel consumption, which translates into lower emissions.

We can also choose to fly with airlines that are making an effort to be more sustainable. Some airlines have started implementing eco-friendly practices. Supporting these companies sends a message that we want more sustainable aviation practices.

By being conscious of our choices and supporting the airlines that are working to be more sustainable, we can make a big difference in the aviation industry together.

Aviation doesn't have to be bad for the environment. There are several ways airlines can make their operations more sustainable.

From using alternative fuels to reducing single-use plastics, there are many things airlines can do to help make aviation more environmentally responsible. As consumers, we need to be aware of the choices we make and support airlines that are making an effort to be more sustainable.

Together, we can make aviation more sustainable for future generations.

Bash Sarmiento

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