02 October, 2017

Increased security checks for Philippine Airlines US bound flights.

Philippine Airlines will be further enhancing security measures for its US-bound flights -- Manila-Los Angeles/ Manila-San Francisco/Manila-Honolulu/Manila-Guam and Vancouver-New York (JFK) - by way of additional check-in procedures. 

This planned move is in line with the regulatory requirements of the US Department of Homeland Security for all flights operating from the 'last point of departure to the United States'. 

In preparation for this procedure, the airline started a dry-run or trial on today, Monday  2nd October which covering all flights except the Vancouver to New York.  The airline is warning passengers that there will be a slightly different check-in procedure and to be at the airport at least 3-4 hours prior to departure.   

Phase 1 of enhanced security measures -  the use of an Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) device on large Portable Electronic Devices (PED) - has been in place since July 19, 2017.

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